‘壹’ 手机发展史的英文介绍及中文翻译
The history of mobile phones begins with early efforts to develop radio telephone technology and from two-way radios in vehicles and continues through emergence of modern mobile phones and associated services.
Radiophones have a long and varied history going back to Reginald Fessenden's invention and shore-to-ship demonstration of radio telephony, through the Second World War with military use of radio telephony links and civil services in the 1950s, while hand-held mobile radio devices have been available since 1973. Mobile phone history is often divided into generations (first, second, third and so on) to mark significant step changes in capabilities as the technology improved over the years.
Contents [hide]
1 Pioneers of radio telephony
2 Emergence of commercial mobile phone services
3 First generation: Cellular networks
4 Second generation: Digital networks
5 Third generation: High speed IP data networks
6 Growth of mobile broadband and the emergence of 4G
7 Patents
8 See also
9 Notes
10 References
11 External links
[edit] Pioneers of radio telephony
In 1908, U.S. Patent 887,357 for a wireless telephone was issued to Nathan B. Stubblefield of Murray, Kentucky. He applied this patent to "cave radio" telephones and not directly to cellular telephony as the term is currently understood.[1]
In 1910 Lars Magnus Ericsson installed a telephone in his car, although this was not a radio telephone. While travelling across the country, he would stop at a place where telephone lines were accessible and using a pair of long electric wires he could connect to the national telephone network.[2]
In Europe, radio telephony was first used on the first-class passenger trains between Berlin and Hamburg in 1926. At the same time, radio telephony was introced on passenger airplanes for air traffic security. Later radio telephony was introced on a large scale in German tanks ring the Second World War. After the war German police in the British zone of occupation first used disused tank telephony equipment to run the first radio patrol cars.[citation needed] In all of these cases the service was confined to specialists that were trained to use the equipment. In the early 1950s ships on the Rhine were among the first to use radio telephony with an untrained end customer as a user.
Two-way radios (known as mobile rigs) were used in vehicles such as taxicabs, police cruisers, and ambulances, but were not mobile phones because they were not normally connected to the telephone network. Users could not dial phone numbers from their vehicles. A large community of mobile radio users, known as the mobileers, popularized the technology that would eventually give way to the mobile phone. Originally, mobile two-way radios were permanently installed in vehicles, but later versions such as the so-called transportables or "bag phones" were equipped with a cigarette lighter plug so that they could also be carried, and thus could be used as either mobile or as portable two-way radios. During the early 1940s, Motorola developed a backpacked two-way radio, the Walkie-Talkie and later developed a large hand-held two-way radio for the US military. This battery powered "Handie-Talkie" (HT) was about the size of a man's forearm.
In 1946 soviet engineers G. Shapiro and I. Zaharchenko successfully tested their version of a radio mobile phone mounted inside a car. The device could connect to local telephone network with a range of up to 20 kilometers.
Top of cellular telephone towerIn December 1947, Douglas H. Ring and W. Rae Young, Bell Labs engineers, proposed hexagonal cells for mobile phones in vehicles.[3] Philip T. Porter, also of Bell Labs, proposed that the cell towers be at the corners of the hexagons rather than the centers and have directional antennas that would transmit/receive in three directions (see picture at right) into three adjacent hexagon cells.[4] The technology did not exist then and the frequencies had not yet been allocated. Cellular technology was undeveloped until the 1960s, when Richard H. Frenkiel and Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs developed the electronics.
During the 1950s the experiments of the pioneers started to appear as usable services across society, both commercially and culturally. In the 1954 movie Sabrina, the businessman Linus Larrabee (played by Humphrey Bogart) makes a call from the phone in the back of his limousine.
In 1957 young Soviet radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich from Moscow created the portable mobile phone, named after himself as LK-1 or "radiophone".[5] This true mobile phone consisted of a relatively small-sized handset equipped with an antenna and rotary dial, and communicated with a base station. Kupriyanovich's "radiophone" had 3 kilogram of total weight, could operate up to 20 or 30 kilometers, and had 20 or 30 hours of battery lifespan. LK-1 and its layout was depicted in popular Soviet magazines as Nauka i zn, 8, 1957, p. 49, Yuniy technik, 7, 1957, p. 43–44. Engineer Kupriyanovich patented his mobile phone in the same year 1957 (author's certificate (USSR Patent) # 115494, 1.11.1957). The base station of LK-1 (called ATR, or Automated Telephone Radiostation) could connect to local telephone network and serve several customers.
In 1958, Kupriyanovich resized his "radiophone" to "pocket" version. The weight of improved "light" handset was about 500 grams.
In 1967, each mobile phone had to stay within the cell area serviced by one base station throughout the phone call. This did not provide continuity of automatic telephone service to mobile phones moving through several cell areas.
In 1969, a patent for a wireless phone using an acoustic coupler for incoming calls was issued in US Patent Number 3,449,750 to George Sweigert of Euclid, Ohio on June 10, 1969. Dialing a number for outgoing calls was not provided.
The concepts of frequency reuse and handoff, as well as a number of other concepts that formed the basis of modern cell phone technology, were described in the 1970s. In 1970 Amos E. Joel, Jr., another Bell Labs engineer,[6] invented an automatic "call handoff" system to allow mobile phones to move through several cell areas ring a single conversation without loss of conversation. Also Fluhr and Nussbaum,[7] Hachenburg et al.[8] , and U.S. Patent 4,152,647, issued May 1, 1979 to Charles A. Gladden and Martin H. Parelman, both of Las Vegas, Nevada and assigned by them to the United States Government.
‘贰’ 苹果发布会 PPT 最有价值的套路,不容错过!
上周苹果的 2018 Apple 秋季新品发布会 ,又在各大自媒体平台和朋友圈火了一把。对于这次发布会 PPT ,很多 PPT 大神都从技巧层面进行了剖析。大都分析得很到位。
所以,这次我想跟大家换个角度来分析:PPT 内容的顺序安排是什么套路?
一 Apple Watch
首先库克回顾了 Apple Watch 发展史。并强调了 Apple Watch 的市场地位:是全世界销量最高、最顶级的手表。
然后才开始发布 第一款产品 Apple Watch series 4 . 并对该款新手表的屏幕、处理器、电池等功能进行了说明。
这款手表的屏幕提升了 2 mm ,屏占比提升了 35 % 和 32 % ;扬声器音量提升了 50% 。
采用全新 64 位双核处理器 。速度是 Series 3 的 两倍 。
不但能 自动检测健康状态 ,还可以发送求助信息和实时定位 。另外续航能力也得到提升,可以续航 18 小时。
二 iPhone XS
5.8 英寸的 iPhone XS 与 6.5英寸的 iPhone XS Max 是本场发布会的主角。
还是熟悉的齐刘海,熟悉的 Face ID 人脸识别。加入了 全新的金色配色 。
这款手机的处理器十分强悍,是采用 6 核 CPU + 4 核 GPU 的超强处理器,同时具备 8 核神经引擎。
屏幕支持120 hz 刷新率, 打游戏更流畅 ,照片处理速度更快。这点对于游戏爱好者非常吸引。
采用后置 1200万 像素摄像,前置700万像素。拍照效果很不错,还可以调整照片的深景。
这次发布的最大新功能是 双卡双待功能。 解决了部分国人配两台手机的痛点。
特别提醒: 中国地区特供,仅 iPhone XS Max 具备双卡双待功能,就是大屏才有双卡双待功能。千万不要买错了哦。
三 iPhone XR
6.1 英寸的 iPhone XR 是最后发布的一个产品。它的尺寸介于 iPhone XS 与 iPhone XS Max 之间。
这是一款非常值得期待的产品。它保留了 iPhone XS 的主要功能,也具备双卡双待功能。最重要是价格只需要6千多, 性价比十分高 。
如果把这次发布会的 PPT 内容, 比喻成点菜和上菜。 那这就是一次成功的点菜和上菜。 那什么是成功的点菜和上菜呢?下图可以告诉我们答案。
答案就是:成功的点菜要符合 “峰终定律” 。就是要点一个大菜,而且是在冲向巅峰的时刻出现。在“即将结束”时还要有一个好菜。从而让人产生满意的效果。
一 按人头数点菜的总个数。 不含汤和主食,可以适当加1到2个。比如:11个人聚餐,一般点11个菜加一个汤。 有些地方图吉利,点菜会凑够双数。
二 按男士人数点荤菜个数 。比如:10个人聚餐,有7个男士,一般点7个荤菜。
三 按女士人数点荤菜个数 。比如:10个人聚餐,有4个女士,一般点4个素菜。
四 全是男士则素菜占1/3 。比如:9个男士聚餐,一般点6个荤菜,3个素菜。
五 相似品种尽量少重复 。比如:点了白切鸡,就不点葱油鸡。点了烧鹅,就不点烧鸭。
六 要点一道招牌大菜。 大菜一般是店里的招牌菜。很有可能是最贵的那个菜。如果因为费用问题,也要点一个比较常规的大菜。
七 大菜既要好看又要好吃 。比如:刺身拼盘、海鲜拼盘等。
八 压轴点甜品或水果 。比如:冰淇淋、西瓜等。要吃起来爽口但不撑肚子。
这次苹果发布会的 PPT 内容的顺序也是符合经济学着名的 “峰终定律” 的。
它先用 Apple Watch 热场。 在 “冲向巅峰” 的时候, 本次发布会的主角 iPhone XS 登场,并在这个时候介绍了最大的新功能——双卡双待。
在 “即将结尾” 的时候, 发布了让人期待的和极具性价比的 iPhone XR。
整场发布会的 PPT 内容排序是从铺垫内容开始,再到主打产品内容发布,最后发布一个期待产品结尾,完全符合 “峰终定律” 。
应用一,工作总结 PPT 内容排序
工作总结 PPT 的内容,根据 “峰终定律” ,应该把最亮点内容放在中间,作为重点来展开说。比如:工作中的改善项目或已推进的重点项目。
假如你是开下线店的,可以学习宜家的 “1元冰淇淋”。 在买单处,客户可以用1元钱买到一个冰淇淋,心满意足地离开。这就是利用“峰终定律”,在用户“即将结束”体验时,锁住美好。
学会 “峰终定律” 这个套路,不但可以让你的 PPT 内容排序更加成功;
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‘叁’ IT是什么行业
IT简称internet technology,也叫作互联网技术,所以它指的是互联网技术行业,也可以认为是在计算机技术上创建的一种信息技术类的行业。它包括硬件、软件和应用三个部分,并不是简单的只指网络技术。