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发布时间: 2024-12-31 11:45:32

Ⅰ 用ps怎么改变图片形状用ps怎么改变图片形状大小

使用 Photoshop 改变图片形状的方法有以下几种:
1. 自由变换:
- 打开 Photoshop,选择需要改变的图片。
-Click on the image to select it, then go to the Edit menu and click on "Free Transform" or use the shortcut Ctrl + T (Windows) or Command + T (Mac OS).
- Resize the image by dragging the corners or edges of the bounding box. You can also rotate or skew the image using the handles on the sides and top of the box.
- Press Enter to confirm the transformation, or press Esc to cancel it.
2. 液化滤镜:
- 打开 Photoshop,选择需要改变的图片。
- Go to the Filter menu and click on "Liquify."
- Use the brush tool to apply the Liquify filter to the desired areas of the image. You can adjust the brush size and the degree of Liquification to achieve the desired shape.
- Click "OK" to apply the filter and adjust the image shape.
3. 创建形状图层:
- 打开 Photoshop,选择需要改变的图片。
- Click on the "Layers" menu and select "New Fill or Adjustment Layer."
- Choose "Shape," then select the desired shape from the drop-down menu.
- Use the mouse to draw the shape on the image, and Photoshop will automatically create a shape layer.
- You can adjust the size, position, and rotation of the shape layer to achieve the desired shape.
4. 钢笔工具绘制形状:
- 打开 Photoshop,选择需要改变的图片。
- Click on the "Pen" tool in the Toolbar, and draw the desired shape on the image.
- Convert the drawn shape into a selection by clicking on "Select" in the menu and choosing "Path."
- Use the "Transform" command (Ctrl + T or Command + T) to resize and rotate the selected shape.
1. 打开PS软件,新建一个空白画布。
2. 打开需要改变形状的图片,将背景图层解锁。
3. 使用“移动工具”,将图片移动到白色画布中。
4. 按住快捷键Ctrl+T启动自由变换功能,然后可以对图片进行变形操作。
5. 若要等比例放大或缩小图像,可以按住shift+alt键。
6. 如果希望对图像进行扭曲或者透视变换,可以选择菜单栏的编辑==》变换==》透视。
7. 使用钢笔工具可以帮助您创建自定义的形状,然后将需要改变形状的图片植入到此形状中。