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手機微信圖片如何列印 2025-03-16 15:31:20
什麼是游離面圖片 2025-03-16 15:26:23
臟辮圖片高清 2025-03-16 15:20:33


發布時間: 2022-05-09 07:17:17

Ⅰ 為什麼qq資料卡頁面會出現奇怪的照片時常出現


Ⅱ QQ上那些有些人發的唯美的圖片都是哪裡來的呢為什麼我從來沒見過呢


Ⅲ 那些QQ上的這些圖片哪裡來的

Ⅳ qq聊天中的稀奇古怪的圖片哪裡來的

很多網站上就有,還有人專門做這些,做完以後就通過這些即時聊天工具傳播。 這些圖片都能夠保存為QQ表情。大家看到好玩的就保存下來,再傳播,就越傳越多了。

Ⅳ qq上的這些表情圖片是從哪裡弄來的

表情網站有下 就是搞笑類的圖片 下載表情包後導入到qq表情裡面就好

Ⅵ QQ里那些嚇人的閃照是從哪裡來的


Ⅶ qq小窗的相冊里發現一些奇奇怪怪的照片,點擊手機相冊卻沒有,該怎麼


Ⅷ qq上那些搞笑的圖片哪來的


1、一個女生前一天晚上得到男朋友的訂婚戒指,但竟沒有一個同學注意到,令她忿忿不平。到下午大家坐著談天的時候,她突然站起來大聲說:「哎呀,這里真熱呀,我看我還是把戒指脫下來吧。」2、女主人把女傭叫到面前問她:「你是否懷孕了?」「是啊!」女傭回道。「虧你還說得出口,你還沒有結婚,難道不覺得害羞嗎?」女主人再次訓。「我為什麼要害羞,女主人你自己不也懷孕了嗎?」「可是我懷的是我丈夫的!」女主人生氣地反駁。「我也是啊!」女傭高興地附和。3、一個人騎摩托車喜歡反穿衣服,就是把口子在後面扣上,可以擋風。一天他酒後駕駛, 翻了,一頭栽在路旁。警察趕到:警察甲:好嚴重的車禍。警察乙:是啊,腦袋都撞到後面去了。警察甲:嗯,還有呼吸,我們幫他把頭轉回來吧。警察乙:好.....一、二使勁,轉回來了。警察甲:嗯,沒有呼吸了.......4、在一條七拐八拐的鄉村公路上,因為時常發生車禍,所以常常有一些鬼故事發生,有一天晚上,有一個計程車司機看見路邊有一個長發披肩,身著白衣的女人向他招手,因為這個司機沒有見過鬼,所以大膽的停下來讓她上車了,這一路上,司機雖然不信有鬼,心裡也毛毛的,所以時常從後視鏡看後面的女人,開著開著,突然司機發現那個女人不見了!司機嚇了一大跳,趕緊踩了一個剎車!只見那個女人滿臉是血,表情猙獰。司機嚇的牙直打顫。突然那女人開口了:「你會不會開車啊!我低頭系個鞋帶你突然一剎車我把鼻子都撞破了……」5、一個病人去看病,醫生檢查了他,皺著眉頭說:「您病得太嚴重了,恐怕不會活多久了。」 病人:「求您告訴我我還能活多久?」 醫生:「十……」 病人著急地問:「十什麼?十年??十個月???十天?????」 醫生:「十,九,八,七,六,五……」6、老師:「你能說一些18世紀科學家共同特點嗎?」學生:「能,他們都死了。」7、犀糞蜣和蚊子談戀愛,蜣問蚊子是做什麼工作的,蚊子說:「護士,打針的。」蜣一拍大腿:「緣分吶,我是中葯局搓葯丸的…」8、一非洲人住在某一賓館。夜半,起火,不明原因。非洲人見狀顧不了那麼許多,光著身子就跑出去了。消防員見狀驚呼:「我的媽呀!都燒的糊了吧區的了還能跑那麼快!」9、一個人想出國考察,但必須得到老總批准。於是他向老總請示,老總給了他一張字條,上面寫著:「Go ahead」。 那人想:「Go ahead=前進,老總是批准了。」於是他開始打點行李。 一個同事見到了他問:「你在做什啊??」他說:「我准備出國考察,老總批准了,給我寫了『Go ahead』。」 同事一見條就樂了:「咱們老總根本就沒批准!!咱老總的英語水平你還不知道,他這是在說去個頭!」10、牧師對買了他馬和馬車的農夫說:「這匹馬只能聽懂教會的語言,叫quot;感謝上帝quot;它就跑;叫quot;贊美上帝quot;它才停下。」農夫將信將疑,他試著喊了一聲感謝上帝,那匹馬立刻飛奔起來,越跑越快。一隻跑到懸崖邊上驚恐的農夫才想起讓它停下來的口令「贊美上帝」。果然,馬停下來了。死裡逃生的農夫長出一口氣:「感謝上帝………」


1 the night before, a girl get boyfriend engagement ring, but no one noticed the classmate, make her antics. You sit and chat in the afternoon, she suddenly stood up and shouted: #92;quot;oh, it#39;s really hot in here, I think I#39;d better take off your ring.#92;quot; 2, the mistress called the maid to ask her: #92;quot;are you pregnant?#92;quot; #92;quot;Yes!#92;quot; The maid answered. Export #92;quot;kui you still say, you are not married, don#39;t you feel shy?#92;quot; The hostess training again. #92;quot;Why should I be shy, you don#39;t the hostess also pregnant?#92;quot; #92;quot;But I conceive is my husband!#92;quot; The hostess retorted angrily. #92;quot;Me too!#92;quot; The maid happy to echo. 3, a man riding a motorcycle like the dress, is to cut on the back, can the wind. Drunk driving one day, he turned over, a planted on the road. Police: police a: a good serious car accident. Policeman b: yes, his head hit the back. Po1: well, still breathing, let#39;s help him turn his head back. Po2: good... One, two, turn back. Policeman a: well, not breathing... 4, turn in a curvy country road, because often in a car accident, so often have some ghost story, one night, there#39;s a taxi driver saw the side of the road have a long hair shawls, dressed in a white woman waved to him, because the driver didn#39;t see a ghost, so bold stopped to let her get on the bus, along the way, the driver doesn#39;t believe in ghosts, the in the mind also maomao, so often the woman behind the rearview mirror to see, open open, the driver found the woman suddenly disappeared! The driver startled, hurriedly stepped on a brake! I saw the woman face is blood, grim expression. The driver frighten of teeth chatter. Suddenly the woman spoke: #92;quot;would you drive! I bow to fasten shoelaces are you smashed through a sudden brake my nose...#92;quot; 5, a patient to see a doctor, the doctor examined him, frowning said: #92;quot;you too serious ill, I#39;m afraid I won#39;t live much longer.#92;quot; Patient: #92;quot;please tell me how long will I live?#92;quot; Doctor: #92;quot;ten...#92;quot; Patient anxiously asked: #92;quot;what? Ten years?? Ten months??? Ten days?????#92;quot; Doctor: #92;quot;ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five...#92;quot; 6, teacher: #92;quot;can you say some 18 th-century scientists common characteristics?#92;quot; Student: #92;quot;yes, they are all dead.#92;quot; 7, rhino poop Qiang and mosquito fall in love, Qiang asked a mosquito is to do what work, the mosquito said: #92;quot;nurse, give or take an injection.#92;quot; Qiang a clap a thigh: #92;quot;the fate, I am a traditional Chinese medicine bureau rub pills...#92;quot; 8, the africans live in a hotel. In the midnight, a fire, unknown reason. Before rushing so many africans, naked and ran out. Firefighters said exclaimed: #92;quot;my mama ah! All paste the burned area can run so fast!#92;quot; 9, a person wants to go abroad, but it must be approved by boss. So he to the manager for instructions, the boss gave him a note, it read: #92;quot;Go ahead#92;quot;. The man thought, #92;quot;Go ahead = progress, boss is approved.#92;quot; So he started to packing. A colleague to see he asked: #92;quot;what are you doing?#92;quot; He said: #92;quot;I#39;m ready to Go abroad investigation, boss approved, wrote me #39;Go ahead#39;.#92;quot; Colleague of joy at the sight of article: #92;quot;let#39;s boss haven#39;t approved!!!!! Our boss English don#39;t you know, he is said to head!#92;quot; 10, priests to buy his horse and carriage of the farmer said, #92;quot;this horse can only understand the language of the church, call#92;quot; thank god #92;quot;it ran; called#92;quot; praise god #92;quot;it didn#39;t stop.#92;quot; Farmer track, he tried to thank god gave a cry, the horse gallop, immediately ran faster and faster. A run to the edge of the cliff frightened farmer remembered that let it stop password #92;quot;praise god#92;quot;. Sure enough, the horse stopped. Close the farmer grows a sigh: #92;quot;thank god.........#92;quot;
I played for a long time, please

Ⅸ QQ裡面那些搞笑圖片是從哪裡弄來的


Ⅹ 為什麼手機qq總是給我這些奇怪的圖片,刪了又來
